Travel Dream - Summer 2014 - page 21

On a coastline famous for its beaches, TheRitz-Carlton
LagunaNiguel is situatedatopaonehundred fifty foot
bluff overlooking the PacificOceanmidway between
Dramatic cliffs, secluded inlets and dazzling sunsets
enchantvisitors to the resortand theadjacentDanaPoint
Harbour isconvenientforcrossingstoCatalina Island,deep
seafishingexpeditions, jetskiingandwaverunning,sailing
regattasor relaxedsunsetcocktailanddinnercruises.
landscape and lush gardens, rambling walkways and
intimatecourtyardsavailable forromanticstrolls,TheRitz-
Carlton Laguna Niguel offers unparalleled service and
TheRitz-Carlton LagunaNiguel
, Dana Point, OrangeCounty
Sophisticatedbeachcultureonthecliff tops
Highmountainsencircleon three sidesgivingway
on the open side to the great Colorado-Sonoran
Desert. The climate is bone dry year roundwith a
reputed354daysof sunshine. Today, PalmSprings
is the recreational capital of Southern California,
where the“GreatOutdoors” isworshipped from the
valley floor to the mountain tops. Golfers will be
spoilt for choicewithno less than110golf courses
which, considering we are talking about desert
terrainhintsatanextraordinary featof irrigation!
Turning southwardandbackalong theocean, the
ideal stopover on the picturesque Pacific Coast
Elegantly envelopedwithin the Santa RosaMountain range, The Ritz-
Carlton, Rancho Mirage is located on a 650-foot bluff overlooking
world-famousPalmSpringsand thepicturesqueCoachellaValley.
This luxuriousPalmSpringshotelboasting244guestroomswith16suites
including spacious andprivate spa suites, is thoughtfully-designed to
complement itsdesertmountain locationby featuringnatural elements
of stone, wood and fire –which reflect the local landscape, hues and
regional surroundings.
Desertdelights fortheperfectescape
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